27 July 2024
  • Rose Franck Duo

    27 July 2024 @ 18h00 - 19h00
    Lourmarin, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

    Évènement privé


27 September 2024
  • Rose Franck Duo

    27 September 2024 @ 19h00 - 20h30
    Temple protestant de Lussan, 31 Rue de la Ritournelle, Lussan, Occitanie, 30580, France


2 October 2024
  • Rose Franck Duo

    2 October 2024 @ 20h00 - 22h00
    Péniche Marcounet, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, Paris, Île-de-France, 75004, France



Our next album in Quartet

Our next album is coming in 2024 with William Brunard on double bass and Frederic Sicart on drums.

Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of its release


    The Quartet at the Divas du Jazz festival

    Show “La Danza del Caos”

    We are currently immersed in the writing of a show which had its first creative residency at the end of September at the “Théâtre de Longjumeau” (91). Wanting to poetically and rhythmically enrich the historical framework induced by the selected pieces, we will co-create with two talented dancers:

    Karine Gonzales, flamenco dancer and Sufi, revealed in the film “Vengo” by Gatlif.

    Tap dancer Aurélien Lehmann, recently applauded at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris in a duet with pianist François-René Duchâble.

    For the sound, we called on Nicolas Jobet (tenor Roberto Alagna’s last tours).

    We are actively looking for a next residency in 2025 to include in the visual creation, the scenographer Philippe Riot (awarded in Cannes in 2015 for the “event trophies”).


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